Dear comrades and friends,1. As you know, there have been seven Popular Movement activists on hunger strike since July 31, completing 16 days of hunger strike today. Although the health picture is worrisome, they are determined to go to the last consequences, to fight for justice in the Federal Supreme Court.
Their sacrifice is to draw society’s attention and to sensitize the
Supreme Court to vote on the Declaratory Action of Constitutionality that judge the confirmation of what is in the Constitution, that no Brazilian can be arrested before all appeals are judged and therefore defends the principle of presumption of innocence.Today, in addition to comrade Lula, hit by false interpretations of the Supreme Court, there are 13,000 prisoners in São Paulo and another 200,000 in every country, who have been hit by the same false interpretations.
The struggle of the strikers is for justice, and for Lula’s right to be free, as even the judge Dr. Favreto of the Fourth Regional Federal Court understood.
2. On August 14, Minister Carmen Lucia received a commission of organizations, lawyers and church representatives, coordinated by the Brazilian Association of Lawyers for Democracy, Free Lula Committee and the Brazil Popular Front, accompanied by the Nobel Peace Prize, Perez Esquivel, a delegation from Spain, Maria Espinoza and Fran Casamayor,
and Friar Sergio Gorgen representing the strikers. From this meeting, the Minister has committed herself to consult her colleagues and to analyze the possibility of putting Declaratory Actions of Constitutionality on vote as soon as possible, which the rapporteur, Minister Marco Aurélio, has already presented a favorable vote, and is on the list to enter into judgment.Therefore, it is in the hands of Minister Carmem Lúcia to direct the trial, which could suspend the hunger strike, and in its judgment liberate Lula from prison and other thousands of Brazilians unjustly imprisoned without judgment, as determined by law.
3. Now we are running against time, with the lives of our comrades at risk, so we ask for your attention and solidarity:
a) Write to Minister Carmen Lucia, requesting her to put the Declaratory Actions of Constitutionality on vote: Minister Carmen Lucia <
> b) Write in solidarity with the strikers: grevedefomestf@
<> Certain of your attention and solidarity
In Struggle
Brasília, August 16, 2018
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