- Western propaganda
It is almost the same for someone to read Western mainstream liberal or conservative interpretations or local propaganda (e.g. in Hungary), about the NATO-Russian conflict, everyone is blowing the same song: the aggressive Russia wants to prevent NATO from defending Ukraine. Along the southern and western borders of Russia American and NATO planes and warships carrying pigeons of peace under the stars of “free world”, “democracy”, and “freedom” are only protecting Ukraine.
The fact is, Russia wants to prevent NATO from pushing its borders further east, in the spirit of Drang nach Osten. Some even deny what CIA acknowledges in light of the documents they released: the American and German politicians secured the Soviets, and in 1991-92 the Russians, that “they do not want to push NATO any further east”, in exchange for Russia’s generous consent to unite Germany and withdraw Soviet troops from Eastern Europe. The Soviet leaders of the time, not even in their nightmare could imagine, that 30 years later
they will witness the 2nd edition of the Cold War. Though there were signs…
- The multipolar world order or chaos ?
With the rise of China, all serious experts have realized that the
domination of US and NATO in the world system is over.
The Western imperialist superpowers can no longer alone determine the directions and limits of the economic and territorial redistribution of the world.
One of the most important and seemingly important “exit point” of the struggles in the world system is Ukraine and the artificially created Ukranian-Russian conflict, which was ignited by the Euro-Majdan movement and its so called “Orange Revolution” at the beginning of 2014, which overthrew the legitimate president.
Ukraine’s „turn to the West”, which seemed to change radically the geopolitical situation in Europe and the world, met with resisitance from Russia, beyond internal obstacles, which ended with the reannexation of the Crimean peninsula to Russia.
The US, as promoter of the puppet state in Ukraine, has invested huge capital in Ukraine, but the expected result has not been achieved through the indiscrininate imposition of sanctions policy. As it is well known, only the usual American end product was produced: chaos, war, blood…
3. Ukraine as a Western project has significant
historical antecedents from Bismark, through Hitler
to the present day, which has always and in all its forms, been an
anti-Russian political and military concept and practice. Today,
American and Western propaganda in general also demonises Russia
because it wants to conquer certain geopolitical positions and
therefore needs the image of the „evil enemy”. Today’s Russophobia
is a particular form of racism, but it is only distantly related to race
theory, and denies Nazi race theory outright.
Russophobia is a variant of civilisational racism or cultursal rascism:
it is generally, a manifestation and proclamation of the West’s
civilisational superiority and cultural supremacy. Russophobia reflects
a dichotomous mindset: it depicts the world in opposition to the “good
West” and the “evil East”, in which democracy and autocracy fight
against each other.
In fact, Russophobia is an ideological justification of the geopolitical
expansion of the “collective West”, which, under the banner of
democracy, is inspiring a wild, authoritarian nationalist and pro-Nazi
„renaissance” in Ukraine and throughout Eastern Europe, it is also
intended to bring about the intellectual and political cohesion among
the smaller and larger nation-states of the region, above all against
Russia, but also against China.
4. Territorial and economic redistribution of the
The new cold war is a response to a new stage in the territorial and
economic redistribution of the world. Even today, the former Soviet
region still seems to be a big bite of the centuries-old process of
capital accumulation. This is where the big problem lies.
The current situation, war, tensions, NATO-Russia talks have shown
in black and white: NATO, US and UK see only springboard, cannon
fodder in oppressive Ukraine for their expansion in the Black Sea
Basin and into the Middle East. The British even have formulated the
resurrection of the British-Ukrainian-Polish-Turkish axis. U.S., with
integrating Georgia and Ukraine into NATO, is galvanizing to life the
imperialist heritage of the global West. The more than 150 American
military bases in the world increase the chances of war rather than
peace, according to historical experience.
Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus and Georgia is part of that reality, at the
end of which Russia stands, with its unlimited amount of valuable raw
materials, mineral resources, ports, global influence.
The big Western companies could exploit this wealth more fruitfullly,
from a profit point of view, as we have been reading in the truly
objective Western expert opinions on this division, for many many
years. But this is where reality intervenes: the great Western entity –
the great myth. USA, its political ruling class, is driven by its
own interests, and that is why they are trying to ignore – for example –
German and European interests, when it tries to reorganise the global
energy market in accordance with their own market and power
interests, and “block” the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline.
There is a snag in it, namely, it is not worth going to war with Russia,
as it is a military world power full of nuclear weapons and
supersonic missiles and airplanes. This is better known in Europe, as
the small Eastern European jackal states are the most willing to serve
voluntarily with pleasure the American needs and demands, not to
mention their own people, who would occasionally be 2-3 minutes
away from these high-tech strike machines.
5. The „Russian ultimatum” and peace policy
This is only a signal to the world, that Russia cannot be subject to any kind of exclusion, any kind of sanctions policy can come. With the rise of China, a unipolar world order cannot come back, what the cynical American and British politicians as well as Putin or the Chinese leaders know exactly. China is a major economic power, which, in a military alliance with Russia, would be capable to make American nationalists think over, whether they can maintain their dominance in a unipolar world.
It was about this, what the series of consultations were held on the Russian initiative. But this situation, what we know so well in the world, also involves a military solution to the conflicts of interest between the great powers and the big transnational companies. It is enough to remember the NATO-wars over the last three decades. One of the last war just ended in Afghanistan, and as we have seen, these wars have become synonymous with destruction, not with democracy, not with freedom, not with well-being.
The main and closest opponent is precisely the lack of freedom both in social and in economic as well as in an environmental-cultural terms. Not only socialism, but democracy either cannot be exported. We know well, if Marx is permitted to be quoted: „A nation who oppresses other nations cannot be free”.
From this, the bunch of intellectuals serving the policies of the European Union and the United States can learn a lot, even today, not only the Russians and the Chinese.
Let us not delude ourselves about the possible solutions, because they are impossible on a capitalist foundation.
Even the anti-fascist tradition is not enough. The new peace movement can lead to success only with new strategy reviving community societies. The anti-capitalist, socialist development is the direction that can lead to success against the capitalist system, against the warlike, oppressive world of capital.
Today’s hierarchical world order is not the world order of peoples, but of capital.
And let us never forget, let us not be fooled:
Capital has no nationality, no religion or no morals.
Capital has only interests.